Hola! Aloha! Iọkwe!

Hi and welcome to my site! I help with Human-Centered, Service, and Product Design. I focus on the details that surround us.


Service Design Consulting

Consulting businesses and individuals on how to create better experiences to improve their organization, their customers, as well as their own situations.

-Think life couch for your business.

UX Design

Past and current UX/UI work for Web and IOS applications. Work includes design libraries, wayfinding, E-commerce, admin portals, research, and more.

Industrial Design

Past and current physical product designs. Work published here includes package design, soft goods, concepts, and prototyping.

*Not shown here are ways I have done sourcing, manufacturing, and marketing.
-“You cannot understand good design if you do not understand people; design is made for people.” — Dieter Rams

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